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Welcome to ChilliDB support articles. This section is a walkthrough of everything under the ChilliDB survey module.
ChilliDB Survey, a new way to manage your data
The best way to keep your database up to date is to have your clients update their own details through a ChilliDB Survey. With ChilliDB...
Submission, Save & Review Options
This collection of options controls how a survey will operated and how it will be submitted: Allow Survey to be Saved & Continued: This...
Notifications - Sender Options
These options allow users to define how notifications will be sent to their survey respondents. Notifications can be manual or automatic...
Is Your Client Survey Data Secure or Being Mined?
We have known for some time, and in fact it was admitted by the US government this year that data stored on servers in that country can...
Staff Notification Options
These options allow users to define notifications for their staff so they can be notified of any completed surveys. When the box is...
Responder Notification Options
These options allow the use of ChilliDB message templates to send notifications to survey responders: Notify Responder On Save/Completion:...
Adding Sections and Questions to Surveys
Creating Headings and Text Content After setting up the basics of a survey in 'Create Survey' , the next step is to design the layout and...
Previewing Surveys
Whilst building the survey layout and questions, it is possible to preview a survey before publishing it/sending invitations to...
Sending Survey Invitations
ChilliDB surveys can be implemented in several ways - they can be sent to a contact or organisation to fill out; they can be filled out...
View survey responses/analysis/visualisations
Responses You can choose to search, and view responses entered in Surveys at any time by navigating to More menu > Surveys > Search...
Copying and Creating Duplicates of Surveys
To copy a survey that is already in ChilliDB, access the Create Like link from the Action menu on the top right-hand side of the screen...
Using Survey Templates
Survey templates allow users to customise the appearance of their surveys for program activities or business groups, or even just for...
Security and Sensitivity - Surveys
Restricting User Access to Survey To configure Survey Security in ChilliDB: Navigate to the Surveys main menu item and then select...
Tri-State Read-Only Option for Survey (Linked Question on Repeated Section)
ChilliDB now supports Tri-state read-only option for survey questions. The states are Namely, "Yes (only when linked to existing ChilliDB...
Creating and Managing Surveys
In this example, we are going to create a survey which will ask our services for information which will be shown on our service...
Configuring the Survey Module
To configure the Survey Module for users of ChilliDB: 1. User Roles- User roles define what staff can and cannot access in the ChilliDB...
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