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Using the Actions Menu to Interact with Your Memberships List


Once a membership package has been created, it can be accessed by navigating to the Memberships main menu item and selecting 'Maintain'.

Doing so reveals the complete list of all membership packages available in a user's system. The default filter for this list is set at 'Show Current' in the top left-hand corner of the screen, however users can also choose other settings by changing this setting to 'Filter'. This allows them to filter the list by category and to choose whether the membership list shows memberships that are either 'current', 'expired', or 'all'.

Membership List Filter Settings

User Filter Options

When users have found the membership package(s) they are looking for, there are a number of options available to work with the memberships they have created in their system. These options can be accessed by ticking the check-box next to the membership package they wish to work with, and then clicking on the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of the ‘Membership List’.

The options presented are as follows:

  1. Visualise: allows users to see graphs representing the ‘Monthly Member Status Count’ and ‘Monthly Active Members Count’ for a set time period (selected from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen).

Monthly Member Status Count Graph

Monthly Active Members Count Graph

2. Export: this options allows users to export some, or all, of the fields relating to their membership package in a report. There are five formats available to export data in.

3. Print: Prints an overview of the information about selected membership package(s). This information mirrors that in the columns presented in the Membership List.

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