1 Introduction
Via an example set of business requirements, this whitepaper provides guidance on how to use the ChilliDB Sensitivity feature within Contacts and Notes.
The example also uses an approach for organisation privacy for those Contacts.
2 Business Requirements
ChilliDB sensitivity rules must be applied to certain Contact Types.
Further sensitivity must be applied on certain Note Types for those same Contacts.
Only two groups of staff may access those same Contacts’ details.
Only one group of staff may access those same Notes details.
3 Functional Requirements
Two User Roles that require access to the Contacts must exist.
The appropriate staff must be linked to those User Roles.
An appropriate Contact Type must be created.
The Contacts must be categorised with that Contact Type.
An appropriate Note Type must be created.
The relevant Notes must be categorised with that Note Type.
4 Terms used within this Document
Valid users: Users who are able to create and update sensitive Contacts and Notes.
Invalid users: Users who do not have authority to create and update sensitive Contacts and Notes.
5 Set up
5.1 User Roles: (This is a system administrator task.)
Navigate to System > Users> Maintain Roles & Tickets > Add new entry
Create the two User roles as appropriate, selecting the tickets as required.
In this example we use User Role codes of:
ABC is for Alcohol & Drug Counsellors
DEF is for Youth Connections
Example User Role input:
5.2 Link the staff to the User Roles: (This is a system administrator task.)
Navigate to System > Users> Maintain Users
Ensure that appropriate Users are linked to their appropriate User roles.
Example Username linked to ABC User Role:
5.3 Create an appropriate Contact Type. (This is a system administrator task.)
Navigate to System > Reference Data > Create and Maintain > Contact
Create an appropriate new Contact Type and allocate the ‘Sensitivity Settings’ as follows:
Click on Disallow. You now need to add the User Roles that will be able to View & Update this Contact Type.
Click on Create
The Add Role Access screen will display.
Select appropriate tick boxes for the (User) Roles that require access
Select View, per following screen:
Click Apply
Click Save
All users will be disallowed to go to Contact Maintenance screen, except those in the ABC user roles for Contact Type of ABCDEF.
5.4 Create an appropriate Note Type. (This is a system administrator task.)
Navigate to System > Reference Data > Create and Maintain > Note Categorisation
Create .an appropriate new Note Type and allocate the ‘Sensitivity Settings’ as follows:
Click on Disallow. You now need to add the User Roles that will be able to View & Update this Note Type.
Click on Create
The Add Role Access screen will display.
Select appropriate tick box for the (User) Role that requires access
Select View
Click Apply
Click Save
All users will be disallowed to go to Notes Maintenance screen, except those in the ABC user roles for Note Type of ABC.
6 Day to Day Operation
6.1 Contact creation
6.1.1 Valid users can now create a Contact Type of ABCDEF.
6.1.2 Invalid users will be blocked from creating these Contact Types when Save is clicked. The following message is displayed:
6.1.3 When a valid user creates the Contact the Sensitivity is indicated as Restricted, per following screen:
6.2 Restricted status means:
Valid users have full and normal access to these Contact Types.
Invalid users:
o Are not able to click on the contact to view the full contact record.
o The contacts will be displayed as orange (default colour) on the ‘Search Results’ summary list. See following screen example.
o The Contact’s name link is not active and therefore clicking on the name will not display the Contact record.
Note: Sometimes you might want a descriptive Contact Type and other times you may not. This document uses the example of a generic code for the Contact Type, as opposed to descriptive text is because it is displayed on the Search Results screen.
6.3 Note creation
6.3.1 Valid users can create a Note Type of ABC for that Contact.
6.3.2 Invalid users will be blocked from creating these Notes Types when Save is clicked. The following message is displayed:
6.3.3 Searches
Valid users have full and normal access to these Note Types.
Invalid users:
o Will be able to view the Note summary line on ‘Search Results’ screen but will not able to click on the Note to view the full record.
o The Note Title will be displayed as orange (default colour) on the ‘Search Results’ summary list.
The Note Title will be visible to all valid & invalid users on ‘Search Results’ screens.
To add further privacy, you could consider using coding on the Note Title
7 Further Topics Regarding Sensitivity7.1 Managing Sensitivity on an existing Contact
7.1.1 Changing a Contact’s sensitivity settings can be achieved via either of two methods, as follows:
From Contact Maintenance screen, not in ‘editing’ mode. Select Quick Actions > Manage Sensitivity.
From Contact Maintenance screen while in ‘editing’ mode. Click Restricted
Both actions above cause the Manage Sensitivity window to display.