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Creating a User and Allocating Them to Roles

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Creating A User

The next step after allocating tickets to roles: is to create some Users to fill these roles. Any staff using ChilliDB will require a user account be created for them. Note: To create a user, first the staff member must be listed as a contact in ChilliDB. If they are not entered under a category in their organisation's ChilliDB Contacts, a contact will have to be created for them first before they can be added as a User. To begin creating a new user, navigate to the System main menu item and then click on 'Users' - 'Maintain Users'.

Towards the top right of the Maintain Users page, click 'Create' to add a new user. To successfully create a new user, the following tasks must be performed:

  • Allocate them a username

  • Allocate a password (an option is provided to choose to force the new user to change their password at first log-in)

  • Find the contact you want to allocate to the user profile. Once you click 'Find', you can search for the contact you are looking for from your available Contacts.

  • Select the Role that will be attached to this user (from the roles available in your system - if the role is not available, you will have to create it before performing this step)

  • Choose the default layout - how the user's details will appear

  • Choose whether or not the user appears in staff tracking; and

  • Enable/disable two-factor authentication

When all information required for the new user has been correctly specified, click the 'Save' button. The new user should then appear in the User List on the Maintain Users page. Here, users are able to search by username, contact, organisation or role. To edit a User, simply click on their username in this list. More permissions can also be assigned to their role from this screen by clicking on the role in the 'Role' column.

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