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Tooltips accessed via the last accessed and staff tracking panel provide a quick way to view key information and create notes via the button on the bottom right of the window.
To show a tooltip, mouse over an icon in the last accessed panel, or a name in the staff tracking panel. This tooltip only shows for contacts and organisations They take into account a number of business rules and pull information from either the Contact or the Organisation in the following way. These tooltips all work work the same. Email
The system is returning the top most priority email for the Contact, priority is determined as: 1 - Contact Level Business Email
2 - Contact Level Personal Email
3 - Other Contact Level Emails
4 - Contact's Primary Organisation's Business Email
5 - Contact's Primary Organisation's Personal Email
6 - Other Contact's Primary Organisation's Email Phone
The system is returning the top most priority phone for the Contact, priority is determined as:
1 - Contact's Business Phone
2 - Contact's Primary Organisation's Business Phone
3 - Contact's Personal Phone
4 - Other Contact's Phone Mobile Phone
The system is returning the top most priority mobile phone for the Contact, priority is determined as: 1 - Contact's Business Mobile 2 - Contact's Primary Organisation's Business Mobile 3 - Contact's Other Mobile Fax Number
The system is returning the top most priority fax number for the Contact, priority is determined as: 1 - Contact's Business Fax 2 - Contact's Primary Organisation's Business Fax 3 - Contact's Personal Fax 4 - Contact's Other Fax Number Address
System first checks if the Contact has privacy setting for one or all of the following: - No Contact - No Consolidated Visits - No Postal Mail If Contact has no privacy setting, then system will get the top most priority physical address for the contact which is determined as: 1 - Contact's Business Physical Address 1- Contact's Primary Organisation's Business Physical Address 2 - Contact's Home Physical Address 2 - Contact's Primary Organisation's Home Physical Address How do I hide some information from appearing? =============================================
Based on the rules above, if you want to not list a staff members phone number, you should create a new Phone Communication Reference type - e.g. Temporary Staff - Phone etc. This will let you hold the information in ChilliDB and it won't be picked up and displayed anywhere except on their record.