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ChilliDB Basics: Editing / Expiring Contacts

Jason Wilson

When looking to edit and/or expire a contact record in ChilliDB, there are a couple of options available to a user. The steps related to each are outlined below.

1) Editing and Expiring Records Via The Contact Details Page

Editing or expiring a record is performed via the same process when viewing a contact record. Once a user has navigated to the Contact Details page, they have the option of doing either through one or two simple actions.

i) The Edit feature: users can click the 'Edit' link to change/add any details related to the contact.

 Once this link has been clicked, the fields in the record will open to allow changes to be made.

ii) Expiring a Contact: after the 'Edit' link has been clicked once, it changes to an 'Expire' option in the contact edit screen.

To expire a contact, click this link and then confirm you wish to expire the record by clicking the 'OK' button.

Note: Contacts can only be expired in ChilliDB, not deleted. This means that the data linked to an expired contact will also remain available. This expired data won't feature in any search results/datasets/reports while the record is expired, but if a user unexpires the record, the data will be available once again.

To unexpire a contact, navigate to the record, click 'Edit', and in an expired record the option that replaces 'Edit' once you have done so is 'Unexpire'. Clicking this option reinstates the record and makes its data available again.

2) Expiring Records Via The Contact Search Section (Allows Expiry of Multiple Contacts)

Another way to expire contact records is through the Contact search section. To access this, first navigate to the Contacts main menu item and select 'Search'.

On the search screen there are 2 options available to users when looking to expire a contact:

1) Expiring a single contact: if looking to expire a single contact, the best option is to search for that contact using the 'By Name' search filter on the left-hand side of the page. After clicking on this filter, a search bar will appear at the top of the page. To expire a contact, find them in your system by typing their name here and then, when they appear in the search list, tick the box next to their name and select 'Expire' from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the list (the small down arrow-type icon next to the cog wheel).

2) Expiring multiple contacts: to expire multiple contacts in ChilliDB, first select the 'All' filter on the left-hand side of the search screen. This lists all of the contacts in your system. Then tick the checkbox next to the names of all of the contacts you wish to expire. Once this is done, select the 'Expire' option from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the list.

After selecting the contacts that you wish to expire and clicking the 'Expire' option, users will be prompted to confirm they wish to expire the contacts they have selected.

Clicking 'Yes' expires all selections.

We hope you have found this contacts edit / expire article useful. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at 


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