Once the results of a search have been revealed, ChilliDB users are given a number of options as to how they can interact with these results via both the cog icon and the menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
This article provides an overview of both of these options.
1) The Display Columns Cog
The display columns cog in the top right-hand corner of the search results list allows users to edit the columns that are displayed with the search results. For example, if we wanted to display different data against the search results below, we could do so by clicking on this icon.

Doing so opens the display columns window where users can edit the columns that are shown alongside the search results.
Note: this is the same function that is available when creating filters in ChilliDB searches. The difference is the display columns cog allows users to adjust the data visible in each column after the search has been run. The display columns option in filters sets the columns to be displayed before the search is run.
To change the order of the columns in the 'Selected Columns' list, use the up and down arrows. To remove a column from the list, click on the 'x' button. To add a field from the system to one of the columns, select that field from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen and then click the '+' button.
When the required fields are in the 'Selected Columns' list, click 'Save'.

The changes made will then be reflected in the columns that are displayed in the search list.

2) The Search List Results Actions Menu
The search list results action menu allows users to interact with the results in their search list in a number of ways. To access this action menu, click on the downward arrow like icon in the top right-hand corner of the search results list (next to the display columns cog).

This means that apart from simply clicking on the record(s) revealed to access the information recorded against it/them, users have a multitude of choices* as to what they do with the record(s) in the list.
*Note: the number of options visible depends on which module the user is in when conducting the search.

The information below provides an overview of what these options look like, using the Contacts module as an example and, where necessary, gives further detail regarding how these items can be set up and used.
The Contacts module provides the following options to users when interacting with the results of a search:
i) Expire: by clicking on the checkbox next to a record and then selecting this option, users can expire a record from their ChilliDB system. Once the 'Expire' option is clicked, the message below will appear asking users to confirm they want to expire the record.
Note: Depending on the module, this option will either be 'Expire' or 'Delete'.

ii) Subscribe to Group: if users have created any groups in ChilliDB for either contacts or organisations, they can add to these groups from the search results list by selecting the relevant records and choosing this option. On the following page, the contacts being added, and the group they are being added to, can be confirmed.

After clicking 'Save', users have 2 options: return to the search list (parent page); or view the group that has just been updated.

If the option to view the group is chosen, users see the group details as per the screen below.

iii) Send Message: users can send an email to (multiple) contacts/organisations by selecting this option.
iv) Attach Note: users can attach a note to (multiple) contacts/organisations via this option.
v) Subscribe to Distribution List: like the 'Subscribe to Group' option, users can add selected records to a distribution list by clicking on this option. Once selected, the window below appears allowing users to select the distribution list they wish to add the contacts/organisations to .

vi) Bulk Update: the name for this option is slightly deceiving as it only allows for the bulk updating of categorisations linked to records. However, if there is a need to recategorise records in your ChilliDB system, then this is the option to select. Once 'Bulk Update' has been clicked, the next screen prompts users to select the new categorisation from those available in the dropdown list and then click 'Save'.

vii) Register as Members: this allows the selected records to be registered as members/prospects in a membership package. By doing so via the search list, users are able to add more than one contact/organisation at a time. After clicking on the 'Register As Members', users are prompted to select the membership package the selected records will be added to and to set the status of these records to 'Prospect' or 'Member' when added.

viii) Send Survey: this option allows users to send surveys to the contacts/organisations selected from the search results list. After clicking 'Send Survey', a window opens that prompts the user to select the survey they wish to send. When the required survey appears in the survey list, click 'Select' to open the email/message window. The system will ask for confirmation of the contacts/organisations and email addresses the survey is being sent to, and then the details in the message that is going out will be displayed. The system adds a very simple message to the email with the survey link included, but an email template (user-created) can be used instead if desired.

ix) Flag:

x) Register to Events: via this option, users can register contact(s)/organisation(s) for upcoming events. Once selected, a new window opens with the event details in it. Users choose the event the selected contact(s)/organisation(s) are to be added to; the sessions (if applicable); and the relevant status. Once done, clicking save adds the records to the event.

xi) Export: to export search data from a particular module in ChilliDB, simply select this option and then the required fields (from those visible in the search results) and the document format. When users click 'Generate', the data will be downloaded and made available in the format they have chosen.

xii) Print: this option allows users to print the data for the records chosen from the search list. As with exports above, users will only be able to see fields in the printed copy that were visible in the search results list, so if you wish to see particular fields in your printout, you will need to make sure you have set this up in the 'Display Columns' settings first (see below for more details). ONce print has been clicked, the window below opens to show what data will be in the printed material.

If users are happy with this, they click the little printer icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. This opens the print options page below where the settings can be changed before printing out the document.

We hope you have found this interacting with search results article useful. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at info@chillidb.com