When adding notes to ChilliDB, there are a number of system fields available to the user to add data to. Some of these fields are required, like 'Categorisation'; 'Date'; and 'Title', and others are not. The glossary below outlines some of the key system fields in the Notes module and, where necessary, provides further detail in terms of the functionality of these fields.
Note: If you are looking to add your own fields to the Notes module, please see our 'ChilliDB Admin Quick Start: Custom Fields' guide to assist you with this process.
Fields of note on the Note creation page:
Categorisation: this is a key component of any record creation in ChilliDB. Any available note categories will be listed here in dropdown form. To find out how to add more categories to this field, please see our 'Customising Reference Data' article.
Interaction Method: users can select the method of interaction with the contact/org related to the note they are creating from this drop down. There are already a number of system options for the 'Interaction Method' field:
However, if users wish to add more interaction method options to this field, they are able to do so via the Reference Data section (see article related to this mentioned in the 'Categorisation' field above). Once a user has navigated to Reference Data, they select 'Note Interaction Method' from the available options and then follow the steps as outlined in the 'Customising Reference Data' article.
Status: this field indicates the current status of the note. The available options are 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED', and the information below outlines how to set either of these as a default as well as how to add to the available options in this field.
a) To change the default setting for this field, navigate to the System main menu item and select 'System Management'. Then, from the available options, select 'Manage System Configuration'. Type 'Note Status' in the search field at the top of the screen and then select 'Note Status' from the available options.
Once 'Note Status' has been clicked, the window below opens to allow users to chage the default between 'OPEN' and 'CLOSED'.
b) As with the 'Interaction Method' field, adding more options to this field is done via the Reference Data section. Choosing the 'Note Status' table allows the user to add whatever statuses they might like to have available to the options in this field.
Date: the date field allows the user to indicate the day and time the note was created. This field is automatically pre-filled with the date and time the note is created, but this can, of course, be changed to any date and time (except future dates).
Follow Up: users can set a follow up alert for the notes they create here. The dropdown choices include system-generated presets plus the option to create a custom alert at a date indicated by the user.
Sensitivity: allows the viewing of the note record to be restricted to users in certain roles. Sensitivity can also be set at other levels in ChilliDB.
Title: users can enter the note title here.
Contact(s)/Org(s): the contacts and/or organisations that are linked to this note are added here. This ensures a record of the note is attached to the respective records in ChilliDB.
Details: users record the details of their note in this field. Along the top of this field is a row of options used to format the note and add non-text based information, like pictures; tables and so on.
We hope you find this glossary of note system field types useful when adding organisations to your system. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at info@chillidb.com