Setting up users in ChilliDB is a 3 step process: 1) Create a role/roles to link to the user, and allocate the relevant permissions to these roles.
2) Ensure the user has been created in the Contacts module (Contacts - Create). See this link for more information on how to create contacts: ChilliDB Basics: Contacts User Guide
3) Create a User profile and link the user to a role.
Creating Roles and Allocating Tickets
ChilliDB allows administrators to create roles in the system and then allocate users to these roles. By having the relevant roles in your system that cover the access needs of your different users, you are granted the flexibility to apply the necessary permissions to each role. This way users see what they need to see, and are prevented from seeing or doing things within the system that are not required from them. As such, when creating roles in your ChilliDB system, it pays to be mindful of the requirements each user has and then create enough roles to allow you the flexibility you require. An example of this would be if you have a person in your organisation who is looking after events, who doesn't require access to Case Management tools. Through the Roles permissions, you are able to hide Case Management from their menu so they don't see it at all. We will work through the steps required to set this up below
For the purposes of illustrating how this works in ChilliDB, we will be creating an 'Event Manager' and then looking at some of the permissions we may give someone in this role.
Creating a Role
To create the 'Event Manager' role, we navigate to the System menu, select 'Users', and then click on 'Maintain Roles + Tickets'.
Then click 'Create' in the top right-hand corner to add a new role.
You are then prompted to name the role, in this case 'Event Manager', and designate the required permissions from the 'Tickets' list below the role details. You are able to search for specific permissions here by entering the name of the module/task you want to permit access to in the search box provided and clicking 'Filter'.
Please note that when allocating permissions, a blue box next to an item means a user in this role is able to see it/perform whatever task is related to that item.
If a whole module is deselected (i.e.: the box is not blue), then anyone placed in this role won't be able to see that module at all when they log in to the system. For example, if we deselected CASE MANAGEMENT for a role here, users in that role would not see the Case Management module in the list of menu items across the top of the screen in ChilliDB. It would be hidden from them completely.
Note: after permissions have been changed in a role, users associated with that role will have to log out and then log back into ChilliDB for the changes to take effect.
Some modules also have permissions specifically for managers. These tickets group management/role-specific permissions together. Users should work their way through the list of permissions to ensure they have given the relevant system and role-specific permissions to each role they create. Once finished, click 'Save'. After a role has been created, it will be visible in the User Roles List, but can also be accessed by navigating to System - 'Users' - 'Maintain Roles + Tickets'.
Creating A User
The next step is to create users. Any staff using ChilliDB in their roles will require a user account to be created for them. To create a user, first the staff member must be listed as a contact in ChilliDB. If they are not listed as one of your organisation's ChilliDB Contacts, you will have to create a contact record for them first (as per the link above) and then return to creating a user when done. When ready to create a new user, navigate to the System menu item, click on 'Users' and select 'Maintain Users'.
Then click 'Create' in the top right-hand corner to add a new user.
On the next screen, the following fields need to be filled to add a new user:
Username: this is the email the user accesses ChilliDB with.
Password: if you have access to the password the user wishes to use, you can enter it here. If not, allocate a temporary password and check the 'Force user to change password at next login' box. This will allow them to log in with the temporary password you have set and then immediately change it to a password they wish to use.
Password policy: this field indicates whether this user is required to follow the ChilliDB password policies. To find out what these policies are, navigate to the System Management main menu and then select 'Manage User Login Policies'. The password rules are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Contact: Find the contact you want to allocate to the user profile by clicking on'Find'. You are able to create a user profile for any contact that exists in your system.
Role: allocate the role to be linked to this user from the roles available in your system.
Default Layout: This relates to the layout of key elements of ChilliDB. You can choose replicate a layout from an existing user in the system so this doesn't have to be set up from scratch. If a user in the same role as another user, for example, we could copy their layout so there is consistency across users in similar roles.
Staff Tracking: Choose whether or not the user appears in the staff tracking window available on the ChilliDB homepage.
Two Factor Authentication: If this option is enabled, when a user goes to login, they will be prompted to go through an authentication process first.
Once the new user's requirements have been configured correctly, click the 'Save' button. You should then see the new user appear in the User List on the 'Maintain Users' page. Here, you are able to search for a user by username, contact, organisation or role. Additionally, to edit a user, you can simply click on their username in this list. You can also assign more permissions to their role from this screen by clicking on their role in the 'Role' column.
On the right-hand side of the User List, there is a menu (indicated by the 'down arrow' style icon) that enables the following interactions with users:
Log-in credentials to be sent
A password change to be forced
Exporting of data from the User List
Printing of User list and associated data displayed
If you have any further questions about creating users and/or roles in your ChilliDB system, please don't hesitate to contact us.