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ChilliDB Basics: Organisations - System Field Type Glossary

Jason Wilson

Updated: Jan 6

When adding organisations to ChilliDB, there are a number of system fields available to the user to add data to. Some of these fields are required, like 'Categorisation' and the name fields, and others are not. The glossary below outlines some of the key system fields in the Organisations module and, where necessary, provides further detail in terms of the functionality of these fields.

Fields of note on the Organisation creation page:

  • Categorisation: this is a key component of any record creation in ChilliDB. Any available organisation categories will be listed here in dropdown form. To find out how to add more categories to this field, please see our 'Customising Reference Data' article.

  • Name: enter the organisation's name here.

  • Abbreviation: abbreviated organisation name (if applicable)

  • Web address: users can add a link to the organisations webpage

  • Status: this field indicates the organisation's status. This is a system field, and the options are 'Active' or 'Inactive'.

  • Add phone: personal or business phone details can be entered in this field. Users are able to enter more than one type of phone number here.

  • Add address: this is where you add the organisation's address details. When this link is clicked, a new section opens that enables the user to enter the relevant details for the organisation.

Note: if 'Full Address Lookup' is enabled, users will be able to start typing the address they are looking to add in this field, and then they will be prompted with the options available for the full address in a dropdown menu that match the details they have entered.

If you don't see the 'Full Address Lookup' field when entering an address: navigate to the System main menu item; select 'System Management'; then select 'Manage ChilliDB Optional Features' from the options presented. One the next screen, find the option called 'Full Address Lookup' and click on the 'Enable' button to add this option to your address detail entry.

Note: if an address can't be found via the Full Address Lookup function, users have the option of ticking the box next to the 'Manual Entry' field and entering the address details themselves.

  • Add email: an organisation's business &/or personal email addresses can be added here. As with phone numbers, more than one type of email can be entered. It's important to note that if you are intending on adding organisations to a distribution list, they must have an email address listed against their name for you to do so.

  • Add fax: this field operates in the same way as the email field above.

  • Is member: this field indicates whether an organisation is a member of a membership package in ChilliDB. If they have been added to a membership package, the field will display 'Yes'. If they are not a member of a package in ChilliDB, then it will display 'No'. This is a system-managed field and cannot be edited by users.

  • Primary Contact: this field is only visible once the initial details have been added to the organisation record and saved. This field allows the user to indicate who the main contact is at an organisation. To do so, after saving, click 'Edit' and the 'Primary Contact' field will then be available to populate with data.

    To add a primary contact to an organisation, click 'Find' and search for the contact you wish to add. Then click 'Done' to designate the contact you have found as the primary contact.

We hope you find this glossary of system field types useful when adding organisations to your system. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at 

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