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ChilliDB Admin Quick Start: Reference Data

Jason Wilson

Updated: Jan 3

Customising reference data is an important step when setting up ChilliDB as this dictates what values appear in the 'Categorisation' field in various ChilliDB modules. For example, by being able to create your own reference data for Contact Categorisation, you can add options to this field so they are available when you create a new contact. These categorisations help organise records in your system and allow you to utilise them to search for contacts of a particular type; allocate groups of fields in the system to a particular type of contact; and so on.


Before jumping in and adding categorisations to your ChilliDB system, it is a good idea to spend a little time thinking about how you want your data to be categorised. When adding categories to your system, you have the ability to categorise data down to 3 levels. As such, thinking about how you would like to categorise data before adding these categorisations to your system is highly advisable.

Note: more information on adding further levels of categorisation is available in the 'ChilliDB Admin Essentials - Reference Data: Adding Further Levels of Categorisation' article.

Accessing Reference Data

  1. From the main menu, navigate to the System main menu item, then click on 'Reference Data' and select 'Create and Maintain'.

      2. Select a table to maintain from the drop down menu, (e.g. Contact Categorisation) and then click on the Display button

Creating Reference Data

  1. Right-click on the reference data list name (in this case 'Contact Categorisation') and click 'Add New Item'

2. Enter the category name in the 'Description' field    


3. Enter a description of the category the 'Description Help Text' where required      

4. Click on the 'Save' button


This is how the changes appear after you create the new categorisation - e.g. ‘Health Care Worker’. Once you have created the new categorisation, it will be visible when creating a contact.

1. Adding the categorisation 'Health Care Worker' to contact categorisation options.

2. The 'Health Care Worker' option visible in the 'Categorisation' drop down options.

Further Information

For more detailed information on working with reference data, including maintaining existing categories; and performing bulk updates, please click on the links below:

i) Need more in-depth information about working with categories that have been created in your system? See our 'Maintaining Reference Data' article.

ii) Looking for more detailed information about performing a bulk update to your record categorisations? Check out the  'Categorisation Bulk Updates' article.

We hope you have found this Reference Data Quick Start article useful. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at 

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