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ChilliDB Admin Essentials - Reference Data: Viewing / Editing / Deleting / Expiring Categories

Jason Wilson

Once categories have been added to your ChilliDB system, it is a relatively straightforward process to maintain them via the Reference Data section. By navigating to Reference Data through the System main menu item and then clicking 'Create and Maintain', users can view; edit; delete; and/or expire categorisations.

The guide below outlines how to do each of these things.

Viewing Reference Data

1. Right click on the reference data and click on 'View Item'.

The categorisation item details will be displayed in the Contact Type Details panel on the right-hand side of the screen.

Editing Reference Data

  1. Right click on the reference data and click on 'Maintain Item'.

  2. The details will be displayed in the Maintain Contact Type panel on the right-hand side of the screen.

 3. Update as required    

 4. Click on the 'Save' button to apply your changes to the categorisation.

Deleting Reference Data

  1. Right click on the category you want to remove and click on 'Delete'

  2. You will be prompted on the right-hand side of the screen to confirm you want to delete this item.

  3. Click on the Continue button  

    Note:   If the reference data (e.g. ‘Health Care Worker’) is being used, it can only be deleted if the user re-assigns the Contacts (e.g. to the category ‘Our Staff). By clicking on ‘Continue’, the Contact record corresponding with ‘Health Care Worker’ is now transferred to ‘Our Staff, and ‘Health Care Worker’ is deleted.

Expiring a Categorisation 

If you don't wish to delete reference data completely, you are given the option to expire it in ChilliDB instead. Expired reference data can no longer be used for newly created records, but existing records that are using the expired reference data value qill not be affected. To expire a category:

  1. Select the reference data (e.g. ‘Health Care Worker’.

  2. Select 'Maintain Item'.

  3. Tick the 'Expired?' Box.

  4. Click on the 'Save' button.

If users wish to view expired reference data, they can tick the ‘Show Expired Items’ box on the Reference Data details screen.

Note: After the reference data is set to expired, the word ‘EXPIRED’ is added next to the data.

To unexpire reference data:

1) Right-click on the categorisation you wish to unexpire.

2) Choose 'Maintain Item'.

3) Deselect the 'Expired?' box.

4) Click on the 'Save' button.

We hope you have found this article on maintaining your reference data useful. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at 

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